Map Help
Omega Zone Information
To view information about Omega Zones (OZ), simply click on the map. Information will appear about the (OZ) highlighted in light blue. Data fields include:
*Omega Zone ID code (OZ ID) *Omega Zone name *Province name *Country Name *OZ Population *Number of Languages *Number of People Groups *Number of Unreached People Groups *Gospel Availability of OZ
Language and People Group Information
For information on Languages and/or People Groups, click on either Language Info or People Group Info at the bottom of the OZ info balloon. Choose a Language or People Group name from the list to view attributes. Click on the three dots (…) at the bottom of the balloon to View in Attribute Table if you wish to see and/or make an list of all attributes (below). By click the Options button, you can Export to CSV to save the list of attributes you wish to keep.
Other tools
Other tools on the Interactive Map include drawing, measuring, and several advanced search functions.